2015 Greater Pacific Northwest Regional CCL Conference

Event Details

Climate Change in the Pacific N. W.

Effects on Farms, Forests and Fish

March 7-8, 2015

Seattle, Washington

Northgate Community Center

Dear Climate Activist,

You are invited to our fabulous regional Citizens’ Climate Lobby Conference!

CCL volunteers from Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Idaho and Hawaii will be coming to network, learn, and explore strategies for turning our CCL proposal into national legislation.  Everyone is welcome; whether newly interested in CCL or an experienced climate volunteer.

  • Develop your skills as a powerful and persuasive lobbyist
  • Learn how to talk to others about climate change
  • Organize your chapter as a dynamic community resource
  • Discuss the problems, controversies, and pathways to solutions
  • Network for ideas, inspiration and fun

The Greater Pacific Northwest Regional Conference will focus on building the skills we need to empower our 2015 Congress to pass national legislation required by the magnitude of the crisis we face.

Join discussions with Steve Ghan, IPCC Nobel climate scientist, Dave Peterson, forester, Chad Kruger, agriculturalist, Brad Warren, journalist, Yoram Bauman, economist and comedian, Danny Richter, lobbyist, Madeleine Para, organizer, Ian Adams, policy analyst and Rod Mitchell, environmental psychologist from CCL Australia and more.

For complete conference details and registration click HERE.  Early Bird Registration ends February 9.  You can contact Fran Koehler at [email protected] if you need more information about the conference.


Register today.  We look forward to seeing you there!

Anne Engstrom – Seattle Chapter Leader

[email protected]

