We’re only one week away from the annual 36th LD Lobby Day at the Capitol in Olympia—on Monday, February 20. As usual, we’re partnering with the King County Democrats, who are holding their annual lobby day the same day. Here’s the info to attend both!
Need a ride? Please use this GoogleDoc Spreadsheet if you need a ride or can offer a ride, and the 36th Dems will try to coordinate carpools. Here are the directions and other information for visiting the Capitol.
The 36th LD will gather in JAC 214 from noon – 1:00 pm for snacks and to meet with our legislators and/or legislative assistants. (For additional food needs, the cafeteria is nearby or you can bring a brownbag for lunch.) Senator Reuven Carlyle and Representative Noel Frame will come by to talk with 36th lobby day participants. Due to Representative Gael Tarleton’s leadership role, she may not be able to leave the House and come meet with us. Our legislators’ Legislative Assistants will also be coming by to meet.
The King County Democrats are holding its annual lobby day at the Capitol on February 20. Whereas the 36th Dems have an hour with our legislators and their staff, the King County Democrats have a whole day of events and meetings planned. Registration for that is $20 and includes a full information packet on legislators, info on the priority bills, and a box lunch. The deadline to sign up is noon, Friday, February 17th so they can arrange box lunches, name tags, and packets.
The King County Democrats will meet at 9:00 am to 1:30 pm in the Washington Room (lower level) of the Pritchard Building (facing the sundial and the domed Capitol). They will (1) have experts speaking on the KC Dems’ Legislative Agenda, (2) discuss the KC Dems’ lobbying strategy, and (3) have KC Legislators stop by to speak about the issues they are tackling. The 2017 King County Legislative. You can participate in both the King County Democrats’ Lobby Day AND the 36th District Democrats’ Lobby Day!
Finally, there is an Equity Rally taking place at 10:00 am that same day. It will take place on the North steps of the Capitol Building, and afterward participants will form a human chain linking the Capitol Building to the Temple of Justice: symbolizing the vision of justice in the legislature. The Rally’s vision is: (1) a fully funded education system and the fully funding of state services, (2) a reformed tax code that funds state programs, and (3) closed tax breaks.