Curious about becoming a PCO? Want to know more information? This is an incredible year to dive into grassroots politics at its core.
The first two prior to filing week will be primarily aimed at people with a low familiarity with the PCO role or those who may want to file to run, but want more information.
The events during filing week will be aimed at providing support for those who are trying to file to run, but are having issues. They do not need to join at a given time, people are welcome to drop in and out as needed. We will try to help everyone as we can.
Here is the King County final list of events:
- Tues, April 30th, 7-8pm: PCO Candidate Filing with King County Elections
- Sat, May 4th, 10-11am: What is a PCO & How to Run
- Tues, May 7th, 6-8pm: PCO Filing Drop In Office Hours
- Thurs, May 9th, 6-8pm: PCO Filing Drop In Office Hours
- Fri, May 10th, 1-3pm: PCO Filing Drop In Office Hours