36th District Democrats Group Shot

Post-Election Brainstorming

Let’s face it, the election was rough. Now that we have had a couple months to process it, let’s brainstorm where the Democratic Party goes from here. The idea is not to focus too much on the past, but on ideas for the future. Join us for a facilitated discussion, with break-out groups and opportunity to connect with fellow Democrats.Read More…

2016 Holiday Party

Join your friends and neighbors of the 36th District Democrats for a very fun and relaxing time at the home of 36th progressive all-star Alice Woldt. A lot of us are recovering. A lot of us are ready for the battles ahead. All of us deserve a little break for the holidays, to catch our breath, celebrate our community, and enjoy being with one another. There is NO COST to attend, however we aRead More…

Endorsements & Voter Guide for the 2016 General!

Each election the 36th puts together a concise, packaged voter guide that’s distributed to thousands of doors across the district. It contains useful fantastic information about our endorsements, a sample ballot, a letter from our chair, and advertisements from endorsed campaigns. Download the Voter Guide Check out the full content of our voter guide below – and remember to mail in youRead More…