Sen. Kohl-Welles 20th Post Election Analysis and 36th Silent Auction!

Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles (D-Seattle) holds her 20th annual post-election analysis fundraiser Thursday, Nov. 14th at the Hale’s Ales Brewery & Pub, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.  Speaking on the election results will be state Senator Karen Keiser, state Representative Reuven Carlyle, Publicola News Editor Erica C. Barnett, Crosscut Columnist and Seattle Magazine Editor-at-Large Knute Berger, TheRead More…

Community Police Commission Invites Community Input on Proposed Reforms

The Community Police Commission (CPC) needs your help to create a stronger, safer and more connected community. On September 20, the CPC issued draft policy recommendations for public review. These recommendations are in the areas of bias-free policing, stops and detentions, and in-car video recordings. The CPC is also seeking public comment on the Seattle Police Department’s proposRead More…

36th Dems’ Annual Summer BBQ and Fundraiser

Join us for our annual Summer BBQ on a rooftop! This is our biggest event of the year and we’ll celebrate our successes, rub shoulders with the candidates and electeds, reconnect with friends, and make some new ones while enjoying burgers, hot dogs, and veggie items in the warm Seattle sun. We’ll also be raising the critical funds we need to keep our very progressive district strong and to orgRead More…