Please join us for our April membership meeting.
April 19, 7-9pm on Zoom
Our general membership meeting on Wednesday from 7-9pm via Zoom will be all about bringing your expertise and priorities into our endorsement process.
We will be reviewing our proposed rules and guidelines to see if there are any final tweaks from you – and spending most of our meeting in small breakout rooms over Zoom to hear from one another around what is top of mind for all the races we endorse in this May.
We will be taking this one step further to brainstorm and develop questions for key categories of races to use both as a starting point for our endorsement interviews as well as any candidate forums that we will hold.
Please join us and bring your priorities for City Council, County Council, Judicial, Port, and School Board races! And remember to renew your 36th membership before the end of April in order to vote at our 24 May endorsement meeting!
Looking forward to seeing you on Zoom Wednesday night!
Register in advance here.
- Arrive as early as 6:30pm for credentialing.
- Meeting will be called to order at 7:00pm.
Meeting Materials
- Bylaws & Online Mtg Rules
- Proposed Agenda
- Minutes from previous membership meeting
- Current Eboard Members and Vacancies
- Zoom Registration Link
We hope to see you there!