Our next meeting will be at the same venue, the Couth Buzzard Bookstore, 8310 Greenwood Ave N. in Seattle, on Monday, June 29th at 7:00PM. Florence Delerenko from the law firm of Thompson and Howle will be speaking on the topic of Guardianship Law and Special Needs Trusts and we will also be discussing our progress on obtaining an accommodation for the Sheraton Ballroom Victory Party Event . Please save the date on your calendar.
The venue is free, but relies on our buying snacks and drinks from the espresso bar in order to stay open late to accommodate us. Please, if you can, make as generous a purchase as possible while you are at the meeting. Please, if you can’t, do not avoid coming to the meeting because of it.
We have been working hard and I have high hopes for the coming year!
Warmest Regards,
Ginamarie Emanuel
Co-Chair, KCD Committee on Disabilities