Ballots have arrived and it’s time to remind Democrats to vote! If Manka Dhingra wins the special election in the 45th legislative district, Democrats will take control of the State Senate on Nov. 28th, the day the election is certified. We need your help to make it happen!
Doorbelling for Manka Dhingra – Final Carpool!
Volunteers will be carpooling over to the 45th (Redmond, Kirkland) to knock on doors for Manka Dhingra this Saturday!
45th Doorbelling Carpool from Ballard
Saturday, November 4th
Leave at Noon, back by 5:00 PM
Ballard High School Parking Lot
1471 NW 67th Street
RSVP Here! You can also skip the carpool and doorbell with Manka’s campaign directly. They have doorbelling shifts at 10AM and 1PM every Saturday and Sunday at their campaign office (8151 164th Ave NE Redmond, WA 98052.)