Join the 36th Lobby Day in Olympia!

Event Details

Our annual 36th LD Lobby Day at the Capitol in Olympia is on Monday, Feb 15.  Here are the directions, and the maps are in the other links in this paragraph.  This is also the day we gather with other democrats from around the State.  I will send out some links with platform information and schedule from these groups.  Our LD will gather in JAC 211.  We will gather there from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm for bagels, fruit, and to meet with our legislators.  (For additional food needs, the cafeteria is nearby or you can bring a brownbag for lunch.)  Senator Reuven Carlyle will meet with us from 12:30-12:45.  Because the House is currently scheduled to be in session all day that day, Reps. Gael Tarleton and Noel Frame, hope to be able to duck out and greet all of us.  However, due to Representative Gael Tarleton’s leadership role as the House Majority Floor Leader, she may not be able to leave the House and come meet with us.  Their Legislative Assistants will also be coming by to meet.

[button size=large style=less_round color=blue align=center url=–MhjounifX26lnh4/edit]Join a Carpool to Olympia![/button]

Please use this GoogleDoc Spreadsheet if you need a ride or can offer a ride, and the 36th Dems will try to coordinate carpools.  Please note on the GoogleDoc what time you would like to arrive in Olympia and what time you would like to leave to return to Seattle (please consider whether you would like to stay for the crab feed in Lacey).

The King County Democratic Party will also be holding its annual lobby day in Olympia that same day.  They will meet at 9:00 am it 1:30 pm in JAC’s Senate Hearing Room 3 as a group.  They will (1) have experts speaking on the KC Dems’ key issues, (2) discuss the KC Dems’ lobbying strategy, and (3) have KC Legislators stop by to speak about the issues they are tackling.  The 2016 King County Legislative Agenda is below.  If you intend to come, please email [email protected] to register.

Also, the Washington State Democrats Crab Feed is that evening from 5:00 – 7:30 pm. The guest speakers are: Governor Jay Inslee, U.S. Senator Patty Murray, Congressman Derek Kilmer, Congresswoman Suzan DelBene, State Represenative Mia Gregerson, and State Senatory Christine Rolfes.  Enjoy a buffet of local seafood and take a seat with friends and family as we hear from the top elected officials in Washington.


King County Democrats 2016 Legislative Agenda

  1. Revenue & Tax Reform:
  •  Progressive new revenue, including capital gains tax, to fulfill the state’s paramount duty to amply fund Basic Education in compliance with the McClearydecision (Budget)
  •  Close corporate tax exemptions that lack accountable performance objectives and results
  •  Require the Legislature to adopt a Tax Expenditure Budget (HB1239/SB5492)
  •  Support Washington Investment Trust (i.e., state bank) (SB5553)
  1. Education:
  •  Increase school construction funding as required by McCleary (Capital Budget)
  •  Eliminate high stakes testing as a high school graduation requirement; reduce required testing to the minimum required by federal law
  •  Restore a fair and accessible nonprofit GED test (SB5676;HB1743)
  •  Significantly increase the state’s share of higher education costs
  •  Support free tuition for two years of public college and technical school (Budget)
  1. Election Reform:
  •  Support I-735 requesting the legislature to ask Congress to amend the
  •  U.S. Constitution to affirm that corporations are not people and money is not speech
  •  Require campaign disclosure of “dark money” spending by nonprofits (SB5153) ·  Automatically register U.S. citizens to vote when they apply for a driver’s license/ID
  1. Environment:
  •  Support the introduction of a meaningful price on carbon in WA State
  •  Defend renewable energy standards & solar production initiatives
  1. Labor:
  •  Raise the minimum wage statewide towards a goal of a living wage (HB 1355/SB5285)
  •  Provide paid sick leave for workers statewide (HB1356)
  •  Pass wage theft bills ( e.g., HB1354/SB5569)
  1. Housing and Human Services:
  •  Increase the social safety net, especially for homeless children and families
  •  Increase low-income housing in the capital budget
  •  Reform and effectively fund the public mental health delivery system with a focus on preventive and supportive services (study bill)
  •  Pass the Fair Tenant Screening Act—accurate, portable background checks (HB1257, SB5123)
  •  Disallow rental discrimination based on Sec. 8, government or other sources of income (HB1565, SB5378)
  •  Restore local authority over the ability to regulate rents
  1. Criminal Justice:
  •  Pass criminal and juvenile justice reform, including Legal Financial Obligations (HB1390), Certificates of Restoration (HB1553), Ban the Box (HB1701) and Racial Impact Statements (SB5752)
  •  Re-institute parole and support ex-prisoner re-entry programs
  •  Pass a workable medical cannabis regulation that respects the needs of patients
  •  Repeal the death penalty (HB1739/SB5639)
  1. Health Care:
  •  Pass the Reproductive Health Act
  •  Oppose parental notification requirements for reproductive health services (SB5289)
  •  Support health care for all Washingtonians by 2020 (HB 1025/SB 5132 and HB 1321/SB5305)