Our March Membership Meeting is on March 20, from 7-9 PM at the Phinney Neighborhood Center – Lower Building (6615 Dayton Ave N). This month we welcome Washington State Democrats Chair, Tina Podlodowski, King County State Committee Member, Sophia Danenberg, and 36th District Democrats State Committee Member, Robert Cruickshank in a discussion about two potential plansregarding presidential nominations, one in which delegate allocation is done through a primary, and one in which delegate allocation is done through a caucus. The panel will be moderated by our Policy Director, Summer Stinson.
We will also consider two resolutions:
- Resolution Calling on State Committee Members to Vote in Favor of a Primary as the Determining Step for Presidential Delegate Allocation
- Resolution Urging the WA State Legislature to Amply Fund Public Education
Finally, we will hear from (and, if a motion is made, will consider endorsing) candidates for King Conservation District Board of Supervisors. Find out about the King Conservation District Board of Supervisors here.