You're invited to a summer picnic with the 36th district Democrats. 28 July 1-3pm. - light snacks and beverages - election strategizing - voter guides available UpGarden P-Patch Roof of Mercer Street Garage 650 Third Avenue North

Picnic Summer 2024!

Event Details

JOIN US ON SUNDAY FOR A PICNIC, July 28th from 1-3pm!


We will gather to discover one of the hidden treasures of the 36th on the roof of a parking garage…yes, the roof of a parking garage! Please join us for nibbles, views, and political organizing on Sunday afternoon. Bring your friends and your hats/sunscreen too!


UpGarden P-Patch
Roof of Mercer Street Garage
650 Third Avenue North


Thank you to Barbara Oakrock for inviting us to her passion project!


Ways to access the roof garden: stairways at each corner of garage then walk up last ramp; elevator to 4th floor then walk up one more flight; pay to park and drive to very top; bus 3 or 4 to 5th and Mercer. You can also ask attendant to let you drop off people or food by telling them you are making a brief delivery to roof garden, then park nearby. The garden is very bright: hat and sunblock highly recommended.


*The closest restroom is at the Seattle Center so make sure you take care of your needs before you arrive.


  1. We will be organizing for some light nibbles and beverages. Because of the logistics with getting to the UpGarden, we are not making this a potluck or a substantive meal. We will organize some sweets, salads, savory snacks, and cold drinks.

  2. If you’d like to help us with snacks for our picnic (and our August 21st DNC watching event) – please make a small donation to:

  3. If you have accessibility needs or questions, please email and/or text Tyler at 206.697.4789 so that we can work on them together. *We will be organizing for at least two cars to be parked onsite so we can organize for rides to the event for members with mobility constraints.