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Republicans control the Washington State Senate by one vote and the 2017 legislative session has demonstrated how much damage they can do. Fortunately, we have a special election in a swing district this year to help Democrats win back the State Senate!

Doorbelling Carpools for Manka Dhingra!
Democrat Manka Dhingra is running for State Senate in the 45th Legislative District (Redmond and Kirkland). We need your help to knock on doors to remind Democratic voters to mail in their ballots! Manka’s campaign is running doorbelling operations from their campaign headquarters (8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond) starting at 10AM and 1PM every Saturday and Sunday. Join them any time!
From the 36th, we will be organizing carpools from Ballard on four weekend dates this fall: Sun, Oct. 1st; Sun, Oct. 15th; Sat, Oct. 21st; and Sat, Nov. 4th.
Here is the schedule:
12:00 PM Meet at Ballard High School parking lot (NW 67th St., just east of 15th Ave NW), sort into cars of 3-4 people each to carpool to Redmond.
1:00 PM Arrive at Campaign HQ in Redmond (8151 164th Ave NE, Redmond). Receive training, maps, walk lists, and materials.
1:30 – 3:30 PM The same cars of 3-4 people will travel to residential areas to knock on doors.
4:00 PM Return to Campaign HQ. Return walk lists and materials.
5:00 PM Return to Ballard HS
For our doorbelling to be successful, we need some volunteers for the following additional tasks:

Driver: We need doorbellers who are Willing to drive their own vehicle with up to 3 additional passengers throughout the day, from Ballard HS to Campaign HQ to the doorbelling location and back. Drivers may ask their passengers to chip in for transportation costs as they feel is appropriate.
Navigator: We need volunteers who have a smart phone with mapping software and feel comfortable navigating unfamiliar streets to find residential addresses. RSVP Below!
Phonebanking to Get Out the Vote!
Democrats win when Democrats vote. State Democrats have identified thousands of Democrats who need to be reminded to vote. We need your help to call them! Alice Woldt, 36th PCO, will host weekly phonebanks at her home every Thursday evening starting Sep. 28th:

GOTV Phonebanks
Thursdays (Sep. 28th through Nov. 2nd)
6:00 – 9:00 PM
Home of Alice Woldt
6514 12th Ave NW
Please bring your own cell phone if you can (a couple additional phones will be available if necessary). Also please bring a laptop to use efficient online phonebanking software (paper lists will be available for those without laptops). Light snacks and drinks will be served, but please bring food and/or beverages to share!