People-Powered Elections: Using Your Democracy Vouchers
Margaret Morales, a senior research associate and policy analyst for the Sightline Institute explain how to use our vouchers and answer any questions about them that you may have!Read More…
The Thundering 36th
Margaret Morales, a senior research associate and policy analyst for the Sightline Institute explain how to use our vouchers and answer any questions about them that you may have!Read More…
Join us this summer for the 36th District Democrats Annual BBQ! Bring your friends. All ages welcome.Read More…
Are you looking for resources to share with voters to educate them about the August 1 primary election? Do you want to know more about the candidates the 36th District Democrats endorsed? Do you want to learn about the other candidates who we interviewed and hear what they have to say? Look no further! You can download our Endorsements for the August 1 Primary Election here! If you’d likeRead More…
The 36th District Democrats are teaming up with Our Revolution Ballard and Trinity United Methodist Church to host a forum for candidates running for Seattle City Council position 8!Read More…