Community Police Commission Invites Community Input on Proposed Reforms

The Community Police Commission (CPC) needs your help to create a stronger, safer and more connected community. On September 20, the CPC issued draft policy recommendations for public review. These recommendations are in the areas of bias-free policing, stops and detentions, and in-car video recordings. The CPC is also seeking public comment on the Seattle Police Department’s proposRead More…

Voters' hands raised

Endorsement Vote at Next Membership Meeting Sept 18th

Join us for one of the most exciting meetings of the year! The board has made its recommendations for endorsement, and now the membership will vote to determine who will get the organization’s full-fledged support. Here are the details . Wednesday, September 18th at 7PM Phinney Neighborhood Center – Lower Building 6615 Dayton Ave N Just a reminder on the endorsement voting procedure: the recoRead More…