Endorsements and Voter Guide! (2013 General)

Each election the 36th puts together a concise, packaged voter guide that’s distributed to thousands of doors across the district. It contains useful fantastic information about our endorsements, a sample ballot, a letter from our chair, and advertisements from endorsed campaigns. Download your own copy here and check out the full content of our voter guide below – and remember to mail in youRead More…

Pancakes for PCOs on 10/19!

There are few things better than eating pancakes while schmoozing with your fellow Democrats! Our annual Pacakes for PCOs event is coming up on Saturday, October 19th. Hear from your mayoral candidates, Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn and Senator Ed Murray, pick up your PCO materials, get some doorbelling tips from seasoned pros, and help yourself to pancakes. Also, this year we’re partnering with tRead More…

Community Police Commission Invites Community Input on Proposed Reforms

The Community Police Commission (CPC) needs your help to create a stronger, safer and more connected community. On September 20, the CPC issued draft policy recommendations for public review. These recommendations are in the areas of bias-free policing, stops and detentions, and in-car video recordings. The CPC is also seeking public comment on the Seattle Police Department’s proposRead More…