Run for Delegate 2024 — WA Democrats Info
Are you thinking of running to be a delegate? Want to know what the process and dates and other important info are?
WA State Democrats has a great informational site available: Run for Delegate, where you can pre-register to run for state or national delegate and sign up for delegate candidate training.
Important Dates
March 1 | No later than March 1 – Submit Platform, Rules, Credentials member contact details from your LD to partyaff[email protected]. *1 ea -Platform, Rules, Credentials |
March 12 | Presidential preference primary – VOTE! |
March 31 | Deadline to File to run as a STATE delegate by 5 pm |
April 1-6 | LPO Candidate Forums for State delegates Candidates hosted by LDs between APRIL 1-6 – highly encouraged |
April 6 | STATE delegate elections – VIRTUAL by State Party |
May 4 | STATE Delegation – Resolutions and Platform Amendments may be submitted no later than Friday, May 4, 2024, by Delegation Chair |
May 12 | Filing deadline for CD-level NATIONAL delegate candidates |
May 12-18 | CD Candidate Forums for NATIONAL delegates between May 12 – 18 |
May 18 | CD-level NATIONAL delegate elections – VIRTUAL by State Party |
June 2 | Filing deadline for PLEO** and At-Large delegate candidates |
June 7 | STATE Delegation – Proposed rules to State Convention must be submitted by Delegation Chair no later than Friday, June 7 |
June 9 | PLEO and At-Large NATIONAL delegate elections – Virtual Ballots |
June 21-23 | Washington State Democratic Convention |
Aug. 19-23 | Democratic National Convention in Chicago |
**PLEO – Party Leader and Elected Official
Pre-Register for Delegate — Sign up for Training
Standing Committees
The first of these timeline items coming up, is as outlined in the DSAAP each Legislative District Organization shall elect one member to each standing committee which includes Credentials, Platform, and Rules. Once elected those elected will need to be reported to the State Party through the LD Chair by emailing [email protected] by Friday March 1,2024.
- The Credentials Committee: will be in charge of certifying delegates for the state and national convention. They will also be responsible for recommending settlement of all challenges by the rules committee and supporting the Affirmative Action Committee on discussing attainment of goals that the state party has set for each legislative district.
- The Platform Committee: As the name implies, they will be in charge of proposing a written platform and consider amendments and resolutions submitted by LDs
- The Rules Committee: This committee will be in charge of drafting the proposed rules and agenda for convention.
The full description of these committee’s and their roles are available on page 16 of the DSAAP located on the party documents page of the State Party website