Voters' hands raised

Resolution Calling for King County Democrats Chair Resignation

Members of the 36th District Democrats, The Executive Board of the 36th District Democrats has voted to call for the immediate resignation of King County Democratic Central Committee (KCDCC) Chair Bailey Stober.  Additionally, the Board is sponsoring the resolution below, asking the membership to adopt it as the official position of our organization. For background on the situation, please Read More…

WA State Democratic Central Committee Vacancy

After endorsements at our May 25th Membership Meeting, Elected and Appointed PCOs will vote to fill a vacancy in the following position:  Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC) – Female Representative (also referred to as “State Committeewoman”). The State Committeewoman is one of two representatives from the 36th District Democrats to the WSDCC, a body which governs the WashinRead More…